Magnificent Seven

Digital Editions \ Éditions numériques

Last of the Big Tuskers – Isilo [preview]

Isilo – Tembe Elephant Park, South Africa (digital paint, 2018) © Dane Aleksander

Last of the Big Tuskers – Kamboyo [preview]

Kamboyo – Tsavo Conservation Area, Kenya (digital paint, 2018) © Dane Aleksander

Last of the Big Tuskers – Masthulele [preview]

Masthulele – Kruger National Park, South Africa (digital paint, 2018) © Dane Aleksander

Last of the Big Tuskers – One Ton [preview]

One Ton – Chyulu Hills National Park, Kenya (digital paint, 2018) © Dane Aleksander

Last of the Big Tuskers – Satao [preview]

Satao – Tsavo East National Park, Kenya (digital paint, 2018) © Dane Aleksander

Last of the Big Tuskers – Tim [preview]

Tim – Amboseli National Park, Kenya (digital paint, 2018) © Dane Aleksander

Last of the Big Tuskers – Craig [preview]

Craig – Amboseli National Park, Kenya (digital paint, 2018) © Dane Aleksander

Last of the Big Tuskers – Isilo [preview]
Last of the Big Tuskers – Kamboyo [preview]
Last of the Big Tuskers – Masthulele [preview]
Last of the Big Tuskers – One Ton [preview]
Last of the Big Tuskers – Satao [preview]
Last of the Big Tuskers – Tim [preview]
Last of the Big Tuskers – Craig [preview]

Magnificent Seven (digital paint, 2018) © Dane Aleksander

Digital Paintings \ Peintures numèriques

Art of \ de Last of the Big Tuskers (2018).

Art by \ par Dane Aleksander.

The complete collection of digital paintings painted in the making of Last of the Big Tuskers (documentary film, 2018). The collection is made available for download in a range of high-definition resolutions. \ La collection complète de peintures numériques peintes lors de la réalisation du film documentaire Last of the Big Tuskers. La collection comprend une gamme de résolutions.

Digital Images \ numériques

0110 1111

Collection of \ de 7.

Dimension: UHD 3840 × 2160 px

All included dimensions: \ Toutes les dimensions incluses : UHD, QHD, HD

File Format: \ Format de fichier : JPG

Price: \ Prix : CA$7US$7

Digital download is made available upon receipt of purchase. \ Téléchargement numérique est disponible dès la réception de l'achat. [1]